Parents - the first teachers

Mum life is hard. Washing. Cleaning. What’s for dinner? What did I just step in?

Add to that the pressure to be the perfect Instaworthy, Pinterest apron wearing super house wife. Somewhere in there we loose sight of the core of parenting, raising little humans.

As parents we are our children’s first teachers, and no I am not talking flashcards, elaborate play set ups or paying for dance classes.

From that first. Moment we teach our children that comfort can be found in a hug, that you can love at first sight and that when we are together we can conquer anything. Those first weeks we teach them, how to feed, how to sleep, how to play, how to be a family. As they grow, we thinking that our role as educators becomes less important or only important if focused on literacy or numeracy. But that’s far from the truth.

As our children grow they continue to learn from us, but it isn’t explicit. Everyday they are learning, not through the elaborate play set ups but by the way we treat them, ourselves and each other.

  • Want your Child to learn to take café of themselves, take care of yourself

  • Want them to learn to be creative, create yourself

  • Want them to learn to say thank you, thank them

It’s through this small actions that we teach our children. We teach them how they should be treated, how the should treat others and how to find their place in the world.


Tiffany is a Mama and trained teacher working in primary and secondary settings. She is passionate about supporting parents to find learning in play and foster their child’s interdependence, creating  a space where learning meets fun. You can follow Tiffany on Instagram right here

Setting up a play space


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