4 tips to improve toddler independence

Building independence in toddlerhood
  1. Complete self-care tasks

Toddler mess and independence

Allowing your toddler to complete tasks to manage their own self-care increases their sense of autonomy

  • setting the table

  • dressing themselves

  • brushing their teeth

  • prepare their own food (breakfast or snacks is a great place to start)

2. Take risks

Taking risks is hard, it takes emotional strength to trust yourself and that it will be okay if you fail. But it is through the risk we build self-esteem and confidence.

So let them make mistakes and be mindful of your reaction to these

Give them space to explore without you hoovering

Step back from running in to fix their attempts

Let go of the 'perfect' outcome, let it be messy, and let go of the control

Toddler cleaning with spray bottle

3. Clean up their own mess

To be independent, cleaning up is just part of it. We all make mess when we try new things and accepting that is allowing children to clean up for themselves.

So how?

  • provide cleaning material at their height and allow access

  • consider child-sized cleaning equipment and nothing beats a dustpan and brush!

  • model how to clean up by doing it WITH them rather than for them

  • be mindful of your response when they make a mess, stay calm and explain the process to clean up

4. Give them a choice

Giving children a choice, gives them a voice, having a voice builds a sense of autonomy. Yet too many choices and you are frozen (I hear I have nothing to wear ringing in my ears), so limit their choices to 2 or 3 things.

Things children are able to choose themselves

  • games to play with caregivers

  • how to play the game, they can make their own rules (these never make sense)

  • clothes (give 2 choices of weather-appropriate clothing)

  • food through placing a few options on their plate


Tiffany is a Mama and trained teacher working in primary and secondary settings. She is passionate about supporting parents to find learning in play and foster their child’s interdependence, creating  a space where learning meets fun. You can follow Tiffany on Instagram right here


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